The Intentional Parents Podcast

No Accidental Saints, De-Formation, a Joy Deficit with Exhaustion, and Spiritual Realism (Interview with John Mark Comer)

Episode Summary

Today, we welcome back John Mark Comer to the podcast. Get ready to take notes on many key moments in this conversation that will have you hitting replay! John Mark deposits some helpful thoughts around information versus spiritual formation, stages in our spiritual journey, refreshing views on what parents really need- rest, and how we can practically keep taking one more step in the right direction. If you are feeling weary in parenting you will not want to miss conversation. ENJOY!

Episode Notes

Today, we welcome back John Mark Comer to the podcast. Get ready to take notes on many key moments in this conversation that will have you hitting replay! John Mark deposits some helpful thoughts around information versus spiritual formation, stages in our spiritual journey, refreshing views on what parents really need- rest, and how we can practically keep taking one more step in the right direction. If you are feeling weary in parenting you will not want to miss conversation. ENJOY!


John Mark Comer:

The latest book: Practicing the Way


Books mentioned:

Iron John by Robert Bly

Domestic Monastery by Ronald Rolheiser

Critical Journey by Janet Hagberg and Robert Guelich


Podcast mentioned:

Andy Crouch


Motherhood retreat


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