Marriage is hard, but it is worth the fight. On today’s show, we talk about marriage and things we can do or not do that will allow your marriage to thrive. Phil and Diane have been married for 45 years and Brook and Elizabeth just celebrated 17 years and they have some helpful insights that they have learned along the way to share with you today. Grab your spouse, take some notes, and be ready for some practical tips and some refreshing encouragement. Enjoy!
Marriage is hard, but it is worth the fight. On today’s show, we talk about marriage and things we can do or not do that will allow your marriage to thrive. Phil and Diane have been married for 45 years and Brook and Elizabeth just celebrated 17 years and they have some helpful insights that they have learned along the way to share with you today. Grab your spouse, take some notes, and be ready for some practical tips and some refreshing encouragement. Enjoy!
A few key takeaways:
-Learn your spouse
-Love them for who they are
-It will be imperfect, but try to love your spouse better each day -Husbands cherish your wives
Book recommendation:
Resolve conflict God’s way by Dr. Bill Graybill
Scriptures mentioned:
Ephesians 5v25-33
Richard Foster: The many mini-deaths of going beyond ourselves
Richard Foster: Freedom is a byproduct of discipline and commitment
Unknown-“Because women are so rarely cherished, they settle for being occasionally desired”
Speaking events:
Forest Home Family Camp June 23-29
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@intentional_parents @brook_mosser @Emosser @philmcomer @dianewcomer
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Raising Passionate Jesus Followers (Now available in audiobook!)