The Intentional Parents Podcast

Five ways to make big life decisions, living led, and being the skin of God to others

Episode Summary

Today we have a BIG family update, but that’s not all! The team discusses how to discern God’s will for you and your family and the five ways to live led. The five ways are...1. Surrender 2. Reading Scripture 3. Counsel 4. Open Doors 5. Prayer. We also cover how to be the skin of God to our friends and family and how to be with your people during times of great suffering. Enjoy!

Episode Notes

Today we have a BIG family update, but that’s not all! The team discusses how to discern God’s will for you and your family and the five ways to live led. The five ways are...1. Surrender 2. Reading Scripture 3. Counsel 4. Open Doors 5. Prayer. We also cover how to be the skin of God to our friends and family and how to be with your people during times of great suffering. Enjoy!



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Books Mentioned:


A Grace Disguised (Jerry Sittser)